Startups MotoCMS 着陆页 Template

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shoppingBag 销售: 98


创建: 2016年9月30日

更新: 2016年9月30日

ID: 59194

Startups MotoCMS 着陆页 Template - Features Image 1Startups MotoCMS 着陆页 Template - Features Image 2Startups MotoCMS 着陆页 Template - Features Image 3

When you are facing the choice dilemma between one page and multi page, you need to start with your website goal analysis. If you need a website that works fast, can be easily navigated and has short and meaningful content, 创建一个登陆页. Our 业务 landing page template is an excellent example of how one page can 成功fully serve any niche. It’s short but can show the diversity in means available for such an option.


Buzz v1.2 2020-07-28

  • There was added a new Counter widget, which allows adding a smooth animated counter to the site page;
  • Added pop-up window functionality to allow users create and edit pop-ups;
  • A new feature was added to the admin panel. It is an excellent alternative to LiveChat which allows 客户 to get in touch with you via the most popular messengers and also leave their details for further contact with managers;
  • Updated to the newest MotoCMS 3 version;
  • 错误修复.

Buzz v1.1 2018-10-05

  • Added pop-up window functionality to allow users create and edit pop-ups;
  • Tabs widget was added to allow users organize content effectively;
  • 添加了Accordion小部件. This functionality allows to improve design and display content in a new way;
  • A new effect has been added to the admin panel. It allows setting custom designs for hovers on different content blocks;
  • PayPal payment and donate buttons were added;
  • Updated to the newest MotoCMS 3 version;
  • 错误修复.


MotoCMS macht einfach Spaß - super simple und schön anzuschauen.
Intuitive, simple, fun, fantastic built in editor. Great layout options and many to choose from. 对这次购买非常满意, makes me want to start working on websites, look forward to purchasing more templates. 谢谢你!!
Нам, для запуска бизнес проекта потребовалось оперативно сделать одностраничный сайт. Полный цикл разработки не устраивал по срокам, да и цена входила не оправданная. Решили впервые посмотреть готовые решения. После пары часов поисков по сайту, нашли этот шаблон, который на 80% уже подходил по структуре. Каково же было удивление, когда мы увидели конструктор в админке для сайта и его возможности. С помощью него, можно отредактировать/добавить абсолютно все
questi tipo template è stato molto facile da personalizzare, mi trovo molto bene conil系统拖放 che hanno già istallato nel loro interno. Sono dotati di tantissimi tipi di blocchi dal quale prendere spunti ed idee e sono tutti molto ben fatti e accurati in tutti i dettagli. conil nuovo aggi装饰品, i widget che sono già istallati e pronti per essere usati sono i migliori mai usati, conil系统拖放, con un pò di fantasia si riesce a creare un sito molto ben fatto, la mia esperienza è stata molto positiva.
I feel like a real webmaster with Moto CMS ! I recommand this template very nice and so ergonomic ! Hope to attempt my goals and develop my 业务 in real estate photography.





4.8 /5
支持度评分(12评级) This rating is based on feedback from 客户s who have received support from the author of this product. 5 11 4 0 3 1 2 0 1 0
响应时间: Fast This value represents the average response time to a client's inquiry or request.
支持Maverik 支持Maverik
